Shipments of Live Animals

What should I know about shipping/receiving live animals?
Temperature changes delay shipments; live animals can only be shipped when daily temperatures are between 45 and 85? Fahrenheit. Plan in advance for the shipment of your live animals. In international cases, live animals may require an import/export permit. When exporting, requestors should contact the recipient to see if an import permit is required. Import permits can take anywhere from a matter of hours to weeks to obtain, so plan accordingly. Shipments cannot be sent if the required paperwork is not completed. Requestors must notify the Freight Forwarding Team at least 48 hours in advance to ensure acceptance by the selected carrier. The Freight Forwarding Team will notify the sender when routing and shipping documents are ready. Domestic transport of mice and rats does not require a permit (import/export) but all live animal shipments do require an Animal Health and Shipping Certificate.

Is there more I should know about shipping live animals?
Yes. This information can be found in Sections 2c and 3e of manual issuance 26101-42-F - Shipping Policies and Procedures.